The relevance of emotional intelligence for clinical psychology. Emotional intelligence and alexithymia


  • James D.A. Parker Department of Psychology, Trent University. Peterborough. Ontario. Canada.
  • Laura M. Wood Department of Psychology, Trent University. Peterborough. Ontario. Canada.
  • Jennifer M. Eastabrook Department of Psychology, Trent University. Peterborough. Ontario. Canada.



emotional intelligence, clinical disorders, psychotherapy, alexithymia, psichosomatics


This article examines the relevance of the emotional intelligence (EI) construct for clinical psychology. Although little direct clinical research exists using the EI construct, several related constructs have generated a sizeable literature. Of particular relevance to clinical psychology is the alexithymia construct. Although initially linked with individuals experiencing psychosomatic problems, alexithymia has come to be associated with a variety of clinical disorders. Within various non-clinical populations, alexithymia has also been associated with a variety of health, lifestyle and interpersonal problems. Individuals who score high on measures of alexithymia are often unsuitable clients for many forms of insight-oriented psychotherapy. In response, several clinicians have adapted existing forms of psychotherapy for working with these individuals. As summarized in the article, these modifications attempt to improve clients’ awareness of problems in the way they process and experience emotions. Techniques particularly suited to the use of group intervention are also described.


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How to Cite

Parker, J. D., Wood, L. M., & Eastabrook, J. M. (2004). The relevance of emotional intelligence for clinical psychology. Emotional intelligence and alexithymia. Revista de Psicoterapia, 15(60), 47–63.