Dynamics of the process in integrating humanistic psychotherapy





Psicoterapia Integradora Humanista, proceso terapéutico, método, psicoterapias experiencial-humanistas


The article presents the treatment that gives to the therapeutic process the humanist integrative psychotherapy. Uniting and ordering different contributions made in different models of this stream; aims to show a structured and consistent way to address the issue; in which the context link that gives therapy and different interventions within the same; respond to principles supported and integrated; so allow a harmonious psychotherapeutic flow. So; collect contributions; rogerianas; postrogerianas; existential; gestalt and analitic-transactionals; both on the therapeutic relationship scripts that propose different approaches to the treatment of the problem object of psychotherapy. The article warns that; as usual in court experiencial-humanistic therapies; corresponds to the psychotherapist choose work that consider more operational; from an idiosyncratic view of therapy; from among the many available. It ends with a synthetic graph encompassing the whole of the process.


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How to Cite

Gimeno-Bayón, A. (2017). Dynamics of the process in integrating humanistic psychotherapy. Revista de Psicoterapia, 28(108), 75–92. https://doi.org/10.33898/rdp.v28i108.201



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