The protective bubble of Eve. An imaginary work activity in a therapy session with Humanistic Integrative Psychotherapy


  • Ana Padilla Mosteirín


actividad imaginaria, fantasía, psicoterapia integradora humanista, ansiedad, recursos terapéuticos


Eva is a twenty eight year old woman who presents a generalized anxiety disorder and  obsessive-dependent personality traits. In order to understand the patient, a  DSM psycho diagnostic is included, with indications form Million’s theory of Axis II, and also a diagnosis in terms of Integrative Humanist Psychotherapy. The article focuses on a specific session, towards the end of her psychotherapy process, in which imaginary fantasy exercises were used to solve a conflictive situation in Eva’s life. This situation which generated great anxiety was when she and her partner went to visit her in-laws. The article shows how Eva was able to solve this conflict adequately, thus preparing to confront it in real life, feeling protected by her personal resources. As she later verbalized, the fantasy exercise was the key to overcome the anxiety this situation activated, and to experience it thereon with calmness and serenity.


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How to Cite

Padilla Mosteirín, A. (2015). The protective bubble of Eve. An imaginary work activity in a therapy session with Humanistic Integrative Psychotherapy. Revista de Psicoterapia, 26(101), 73–89. Retrieved from