From eclecticism to synthesis: toward a more seamless psychotherapeutic integration.


  • Paul L. Wachtel City College and the Graduate Center, New York



case studies in psychotherapy, integration casesin psychotherapy, integration in psycotherapy, creativity, flooding


Even in the practice of integratively oriented therapists, what is most often apparent is a combination of elements deriving form vaired theoretical orientations rather than a true synthesis. There are, however, occasions when something closer to true integration is achieved, and it is worthwhile to examine those instances. for they ay provide clues as to how integration may be achieved in a more thoroughgoing way. The present paper examines case material that represents a further step in the author’s efforts to approach a fuller synthesis that goes beyond simply combining elements or alternating different approaches. The relevance to the the terapeutic work described of theoretical concepts centered on the vicious circle is discussed.


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How to Cite

L. Wachtel, P. (1994). From eclecticism to synthesis: toward a more seamless psychotherapeutic integration. Revista de Psicoterapia, 5(20), 45–56.