Filippo Brunelleschi: thinking identity as a work of art
Filippo Brunelleschi (1377-1446), Novella del grasso legnaiuolo, Dome of Santa Maria del Fiore, Identity and nature, Paradigm shiftAbstract
This paper analyses specific aspects of the Novella del grasso legnaiuolo in conjunction with two other creations by Filippo Brunelleschi: the dome of Santa Maria del Fiore and the cosmorama. These works seem to shift the focus from what to how, revealing an incipient paradigm shift in the way nature is observed and acted upon. In this context, the binomials natural/artificial; belief/doubt; waking/dreaming stand out in the architecture of knowledge, moving towards a mastery of nature, through experimentation, that will have a remarkable development in the history of Western thought. The analysis concludes by underlining the effects of this incipient perspective on nature, also human, with respect to the notion of identity.
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