The Relationship between Time and Methodology in Naturalist Painting. Some Isolated Cases. Euan Uglow and Antonio López


  • David Serrano León Universidad de Sevilla



Time, methodology, painting, color and form



Through this study, which analyzes the work of the painters Antonio López García and Euan Uglow, we aim to elucidate the relationship between time and methodology in naturalist painting. To do this, we will classify different concepts of the time factor that will affect the researches of our main characters. The shape and color become the main fundamentals that will be gradually consolidated in the painting, as artists incorporate all perceptual variations undergoing physical reality over the years. It is a work in constant change that allows them to access issues, reflections and approaches impossible to detect promptly. In short, it's a struggle for the permanence of emotion, the idea and the interest of the artists to the represented reality: it’s the test of time.


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Author Biography

David Serrano León, Universidad de Sevilla

Doctor en bellas artes en la especialidad de pintura. Profesor en la facultad de bellas artes, en el departamento de dibujo.


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How to Cite

Serrano León, D. (2017). The Relationship between Time and Methodology in Naturalist Painting. Some Isolated Cases. Euan Uglow and Antonio López. Espacio Tiempo y Forma. Serie VII, Historia del Arte, (5), 273–288.

