Strategies for the conservation and sustainable management of the urban cultural landscapes in México and Spain


  • M. Antonio Zárate Martín Departamento de Geografía, UNED
  • M.ª Inés Ortiz Álvarez Instituto de Geografía de la UNAM, Coyoacán, México DF.



cultural landscape, urbanization, patrimony, local development, planning, sustainable tourism, tourist product


This article gathers results of joint projects of investigation on cultural landscapes in Spain and Mexico of its two authors and advances of the project ‘Compared dynamics for a sustainable management of the cultural landscapes through tourism’, of the Ministry of Science in Innovation. In this article social processes are compared, economic and political that condition the evolution of the cultural landscapes of countries, exceptionally complex by their patrimonial wealth, their instruments for the management of the patrimony and its repercussion are analysed on the landscape. From those circumstances, factors of opportunity are put of relief that would allow transforming the urban cultural landscapes into tourist products differentiated from others, therefore, able to create wealth and to generate use of alternative way to the dominant uses of the ground for real estate aims. That way, it would be possible to conserve them with greater effectiveness for the future generations.


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How to Cite

Zárate Martín, M. A., & Ortiz Álvarez, M. I. (2015). Strategies for the conservation and sustainable management of the urban cultural landscapes in México and Spain. Espacio, Tiempo y Forma. Serie VI. Geografía, (6-7), 257–280.


