Al-Andalus in Contemporary Popular Culture: A Look at the Case of Video Games




Al-Andalus; Memory; History; Video Games; Visual Culture.


This study aims to assess three primary issues concerning al-Andalus. Firstly, why is al-Andalus so rarely represented in contemporary mainstream popular culture, and more specifically in video games? Secondly, why is this civilization so distorted on the rare occasion it is represented? Lastly, what are the problems posed by the dissemination and reception of the history of al-Andalus in new-technology media? To attempt to answer these questions, we will base our study on the analysis of different works which depict this period using three distinct frameworks: 1) the evolution of popular memory with respect to al-Andalus in different audio-visual media, both old and new; 2) novelties in visual culture for the study of the past through audio-visual media; and 3) research on history video games. In spite of the fact that our main focus is on the medium of video games, the conclusions and answers offered may also apply to other media such as film or television.


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Author Biography

Alberto Venegas Ramos, Universidad de Murcia

Al-Ándalus en la cultura de masas contemporánea: una aproximación al caso del videojuego.


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How to Cite

Venegas Ramos, A. (2022). Al-Andalus in Contemporary Popular Culture: A Look at the Case of Video Games. Espacio Tiempo y Forma. Serie III, Historia Medieval, (35), 679–702.


