Remote Learning Assessments in Higher Education: Teaching Decision Making when Facing a New Challenge
teacher training education, teaching practice, remote assessments, university, educational technology, COVID-19Agencies:
Centro de Investigación en Gestión, Docencia y Desarrollo Universitario, Instituto Universitario Hospital Italiano de Buenos AiresAbstract
The COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent suspension of on-site academic activity faced universities with the challenge of performing their duties remotely. The study’s aim is to characterize learning assessment proposals designed, at the beginning of the lockdown, by graduate and postgraduate health sciences teachers. These proposals were developed in the context of a University Institute teacher-training program on virtualizing education.
By using a qualitative approach, this descriptive-interpretative study characterizes 51 remote learning assessment proposals made by teachers taking the course. In order to construct interpretative hypotheses, a matrix for their categorization was created to identify the prevalence of pedagogical traits in the designs.
An array of different proposals were evidenced, most of which were to assess learning with the intention of certifying knowledge. Individual learning assessments prevailed, mostly favoring an active use of knowledge associated with academic and professional practices. A high percentage of teachers planned asynchronous activities by means of writing and the use of a broad array of digital tools. They also prioritized teacher interventions during the assessment process as a scaffolding for the students.
Finally, there was a systematization of the emerging characteristics that structured the designs of remote learning assessment proposals. This provides an input toward reflecting on assessment practices in the context of remote teaching. We hope this contribution transcends the current scenario and helps identify potentials for the development of hybrid assessment practices in post pandemic times.
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