The Flipped Classroom as a Didactic Strategy to Build Competencies: a Systematic Review


  • Valeria Celeste Sandobal Verón Universidad Tecnológica Nacional (Argentina)
  • Bianca Marín Universidad Tecnológica Nacional (Argentina)
  • Teresita Haydee Barrios Universidad Tecnológica Nacional (Argentina)



know-how, ability, engineering, learning strategy, university


Facultad Regional Resistencia - Universidad Tecnológica Nacional


Flipped classroom is a strategy that began to be used at the higher education as a measure to improve the performance and motivation of students. As one of the first activities of the research project in which this article is framed, a search was made of the state of the art of the flipped classroom in higher education. For this, a systematic review of the scientific literature was carried out, with the aim of knowing if the flipped classroom methodology is applied in higher education, what tools are used and if they correspond to Web 3.0. On the other side, it was analyzed whether the application of this methodology generates competencies, such as: learning continuously and autonomously; perform effectively in work teams; solve engineering problems and effectively use application techniques and tools in engineering; which correspond to the competencies sought in the project under analysis. The article presents the results of the systematic review, which shows that the flipped classroom is applied in engineering education, that different tools are used but that this implementation must have certain considerations to be applied successfully, such as: the correct planning of the activities to be carried out by both the students and the teachers, the knowledge of both actors about the methodology to be used, among others.



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Author Biographies

Valeria Celeste Sandobal Verón, Universidad Tecnológica Nacional (Argentina)

Docente-Investigadora de la Facultad Regional Resistencia - UTN. REsponsable del área de recursos humanos de la Secretaría de Ciencia y Tecnología de la Facultad Regional Resistencia.

Bianca Marín, Universidad Tecnológica Nacional (Argentina)

Docente-Investigadora de la Facultad Regional Resistencia - UTN. Responsable del Seminario Universitario de la Facultad Regional Resistencia

Teresita Haydee Barrios, Universidad Tecnológica Nacional (Argentina)

Docente-Investigadora de la Facultad Regional Resistencia - UTN.


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How to Cite

Sandobal Verón, V. C., Marín, B., & Barrios, T. H. (2021). The Flipped Classroom as a Didactic Strategy to Build Competencies: a Systematic Review. RIED. Revista Iberoamericana de Educación a Distancia, 24(2), 285–308.