Foci Formulation and Therapeutic Projects Articulation in Emotion-Focused Therapy: A Task-Analytic Approach




case formulation, therapeutic focus, therapeutic project, task analysis, Emotion-Focused Therapy


The work begins with the review of Case Formulation (CF) as a social action, in the sense that it is a "not innocent" and a loaded with intentions activity that, therefore, requires special care regarding the processes it comprises. Next, the Emotio-Focused Therapy (EFT) CF model is briefly presented and the following problem is raised: the absence of an explicit model of what represents the best execution of the process of co-constructing a focus and agreeing a therapeutic project in EFT. This problem is analyzed through a critical review of the dimensions of CF (process, product and client experience) as well as its nature as a knowledge management practice in psychotherapy. From there, the complementary concepts of "focus" and "therapeutic project" are developed, in order to provide a basis for an answer to the problem posed. To answer, we start from the consideration of the process to be modeled as a "therapeutic macro-task" oriented to the intersubjective coordination between client and therapist, and the initial phase of Task Analysis is conducted. In the results section, a rational-hypothetical model of the process of co-constructing a focus and agreeing on a therapeutic project in EFT is offered, as well as task manual, together with the corresponding degrees of resolution scale. Finally, these products are discussed in terms of their general value as resources for integrative practice in psychotherapy and for therapist's competence development.


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How to Cite

Caro García, C. (2022). Foci Formulation and Therapeutic Projects Articulation in Emotion-Focused Therapy: A Task-Analytic Approach. Revista de Psicoterapia, 33(123), 43–77.