Psychotherapy and psychopharmacology meeting point: programmes' use for behavioural administration of medication
psychologists, psychopharmacology, prescription authority, psychoactive medications, clinical psychologyAbstract
The venture of psychologists into the area of psychopharmacology and prescription authority has been seen by some as a danger to the psychologist’s traditional contributions in the diagnosis of emotional/mental conditions and their respective treatment through psychotherapy. It can be argued, however, that psychologists are in a position to prescribe medications from a unique vantage point, employing their diagnostic and psychotherapeutic skills in improving the integration of medication within the full clinical services offered the patient. Examples of the use of psychoactive medications as an adjunct in the overall recovery of the patient are highlighted in the treatment of sexual dysfunctions, anxiety conditions, depressive disorders and chronic pain syndromes. Such cases illustrate the advantages of prescribing psychoactive medications according to the behavioral requirements of each case under study.
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