Psychodiagnosis and psychoanalysis meeting point


  • Rosa María Royo Esqués SEP-IPA. Fundació Vidal i Barraquer.



psychoanalysis, psychodiagnosis, projective methods, the role of the psychologist


The mutual needs and benefits of the relationship between Psychodiagnosis and Psychoanalysis are discussed. The theoretical framework emerging from Psychoanalysis is better adapted to the needs of psychological diagnosis than the medical-psychiatric model. By contrast, psychoanalysis has benefited from a diagnosis system that takes into account parameters beyond the purely psychopathologic: intra-psychological functioning, emotional and relational environments, the possibilities of creating or developing a therapeutic relationship, aspects of health, and the possibilities of personal development. Projective Methods emerge from and/or are improved by the encounter between Psychodiagnosis and Psychoanalysis. Psychoanalysis and Psychodiagnosis, together with the use of Projective Methods, have helped psychologists consolidate their professional identity and extend areas of intervention.


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How to Cite

Royo Esqués, R. M. (2005). Psychodiagnosis and psychoanalysis meeting point. Revista de Psicoterapia, 16(62), 119–128.



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