Sensory and Emotional Processes Involved in Solidary Attitude
solidarity for justice, cycle of vital flow, humanistic integrative psychotherapy, sensitivity, affectivityAbstract
This work focuses on the study (The aim of this paper is to analyze) the relevance of the first phases of the vital flow cycle of Humanist Integrative Psychotherapy (Gimeno-Bayon & Rosal, 2016; 2017), and particularly of sensitivity and emotion, for the healthy living of the attitude of solidarity for justice. In this paper he takes very much into account -as a prologue- the psychological and ethical dimension of Indignados movement, as well as the considerations about it by the sociologist Castells (2005, 2006, 2013). After emphasize the contribution of the sensorial and affective dimension to generate the experience that will lead the person to adopt a solidarity ethic, the main disorders of those phases that hinder it are described. The description will contemplate the problems that lead to blocking, distorting or dispersing it, making it ineffective. The description also deals the consequences that will lead to these first phases when they affect the valuation phase. Finally, it ends with an enumeration of the requirements to transform sensitive and emotional experiences into an effective praxis, and the hope that it can be contributed to it from psychotherapeutic practice.
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