A transdiagnostic self guided model: An extended approach to cognitive  analytic therapy


  • Carlos Mirapeix Fundación para la Investigación en Psicoterapia y Personalidad. Santander. España




Psychotherapy, integracion, transdiagnosis, technique


In this article, we address an understanding of self guided transdiagnostic models and a transdiagnostically oriented case formulation, which attempts to synthesize the transdiagnostic mechanisms of vulnerability and action. The current concepts of the self allow us to describe with greater precision patterns that allow us to operationalize some of its components and thus advance in a future evaluation methodology with greater empirical validity. The implementation of transdiagnostic treatments will range from the greater structuring of the type of techniques that can be used to modify certain mechanisms, being necessary and inevitable to fit them with the authentically individuality of the patients we treat, their identity, their self and therefore their patterns of interpersonal relationships.


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How to Cite

Mirapeix, C. (2018). A transdiagnostic self guided model: An extended approach to cognitive  analytic therapy. Revista De Psicoterapia, 29(110), 111–133. https://doi.org/10.33898/rdp.v29i110.250

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