Application of the German Reformulation of the Core Conflictual Relationship Theme Method (CCRT-LU) to Evaluate Changes in a Grieving case of the Loss of the Partner


  • Moraima Guadalupe García Mantilla Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Madrid, Spain
  • Alejandro Ávila Espada Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Madrid, Spain



Grieving the loss of a partner, Focal Psychoanalytical Psychotherapy, CCRT, CCRT-LU


The Core Conflictual Relationship Theme Method (CCRT) in its German reformulation named CCRT-LU, and in the Castilian version named CCRT-LU-S, was applied to a single case of grief for the loss of the partner. The objective was to evaluate clinically and systematically changes in the psychotherapeutic process comparing the beginning and the end of the treatment. The method was sensitive to identify in the verbal content of individual psychotherapy sessions the changing patterns of the Core Conflictual Relationship and the central relationship patterns were investigated in order to detect whether there is a pattern, script or outline typical of grief. We worked with focal and brief psychodynamic psychotherapy model of 14 sessions and a follow up after a month. The focus of work in psychotherapy chosen was the elaboration of grief for death of the spouse.


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How to Cite

García Mantilla, M. G., & Ávila Espada, A. (2016). Application of the German Reformulation of the Core Conflictual Relationship Theme Method (CCRT-LU) to Evaluate Changes in a Grieving case of the Loss of the Partner. Revista de Psicoterapia, 27(103), 267–282.