Relational Group Process: Developments in a Transactional Analysis Model of Group Psychotherapy
Relational Group Process, group therapy, group relationships, attunement, confrontation, person-centered, relational-needs, respect, shame, Eric Berne, Martin Buber, phenomenological inquiryAbstract
This article portrays some of the principles of Relational Group Psychotherapy. Several models have influenced the development of relational group psychotherapy: therapy-by-the-group; therapy-by-interpretation; therapy-in-the-group; and therapy-through-the-group. The dialectic between the “feedback” and the “person-centered” trends is described and an integration of models is proposed. Relational Group Psychotherapy emphasizes the healing power of relationships amoung group members, the importance of phenomenological inquiry, affective attunement, validation, respect, identification, and each individual’s relational-needs. The leader’s tasks include stimulating the flow of contactful dialogue and to teaching about human needs and healthy relationships.Downloads
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How to Cite
Erskine, R. G. (2015). Relational Group Process: Developments in a Transactional Analysis Model of Group Psychotherapy. Revista De Psicoterapia, 26(101), 139–159. Retrieved from
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