The Process of Acceptance and Adjustment to Bisexuality through Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy with an Affirmative Approach

Case Study




LGBTIQ , Bisexuality, Affirmative approach, Cognitive-behavioral therapy, single case study


LGBTIQ+ people experience various situations of social stigmatization in their daily lives, affecting their emotional well-being and mental health. These negative attitudes can moderate the feelings and perceptions of those who become part of the group, as is the case with bisexuality. This study presents a cognitive-behavioral approach with an affirmative approach in a case of adaptation and acceptance of a client who recently "rediscovered" her bisexual orientation. During 12 sessions, through psychoeducation, cognitive restructuring, assertiveness training and exposure, the different problems detected were reduced in the client. Feelings of sadness and anxiety are reduced, perceived stress in problematic situations is reduced and her emotional management resources are optimized, obtaining better quantitative results in the Outcome Rating Scale. It is concluded that these psychotherapeutic approaches are effective.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Riesco, L., Vivas, S., Ruiz-Duet, A. M., & Pérez-Calvo, C. (2022). The Process of Acceptance and Adjustment to Bisexuality through Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy with an Affirmative Approach: Case Study. Revista de Psicoterapia, 33(123), 235–250.