Review of some beliefs in cognitive-behavioral treatment of agoraphobia.


  • Arturo Bados Universidad de Barcelona



phobia, phobic play, relational aspects, linguistic redefinition


Frequently, psychological interventions are based on therapeutic beliefs which are only supported by single studies, research with inconsistent results or, merely, the clinical lore. The aim of this work is to review critically some of these beliefs in the behavioural treatment of anxiety disorders, in general, and agoraphobia in particular. For example, is a tailored intervention more effective than a standardized intervention? The analysis shows that in many cases we have only tentative conclusions about technical aspects which are very important for the treatment.


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How to Cite

Bados, A. . (1995). Review of some beliefs in cognitive-behavioral treatment of agoraphobia. Revista de Psicoterapia, 6(21), 83–96.



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