Some observations about the integration movement in psychotherapy


  • María Antonia Zalbidea Gómez Universitat de València
  • Luis Mayor Martínez Universitat de València



integration in psychotherapy, integration


This paper focuses on some aspects of the Psychotherapy Integration Movement: Its historical development, present situation and possible future. After having collected and analized different conceptions of "integration ", we show some of the foundations of the movement, focussing especially on the historical factors which promoted its origin, and sustain its present situation. Finally, we summarize the opinions of several authors and groups, and present our own point of view about different efforts on psychotherapy integration. We conclude the article by sketching the possible future of the movement.


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How to Cite

Zalbidea Gómez, M. A., & Mayor Martínez, L. (1992). Some observations about the integration movement in psychotherapy. Revista de Psicoterapia, 3(9), 5–12.



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