Attempts of Mūlūk Al-Ṭawā’if to legitimise their Rule during the Fifth AH/ the Eleventh Century


  • Meshal Alenezi Kuwait University


Al-Andalus, Mūlūk Al-Ṭawā’if, Legitimacy, Culture, Policy


In the first decades of the Eleventh Century, the balance of power had changed in the Iberian Peninsula) al-Andalus). The Christians united under one king, whereas the Muslims divided into various states. The Christians launched many campaigns against the Islamic states in the Peninsula, and they captured some of them and imposed a tribute against the other.

         Many scholars and historians have described the cultural prosperity of the Islamic states in al-Andalus. They have also discussed the role of the rulers of these states in this prosperity. In addition, they have examined the cultural contributions of the poets and jurists. Moreover, these scholars and historians have recited the domination of Christians on these states as well as the conflict between the Islamic states.

Consequently, this research has linked the cultural prosperity of these Islamic states with the conflict between each other. It has illustrated how the Muslim rulers employed the cultural prosperity and the conflict between each other to district the attention of their inhabitants from the Christian domination and their weakness.


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How to Cite

Alenezi, M. (2023). Attempts of Mūlūk Al-Ṭawā’if to legitimise their Rule during the Fifth AH/ the Eleventh Century. Revista de Humanidades, (48), 111–124. Retrieved from


