Influencia de la encuesta de los estudiantes sobre la calidad docente en la universidad


  • Jordi Canela Departamento de Matemáticas, Universitat Jaume I
  • Carlos Galindo Departamento de Matemáticas, Universitat Jaume I
  • Pablo Gregori Departamento de Matemáticas, Universitat Jaume I
  • Vicente Martínez Departamento de Matemáticas, Universitat Jaume I



Teacher evaluation, Quality of learning, University teaching


In the Spanish university sphere there are conflicts of private interests. On the one hand, one of the main objectives of the students, if not the most important, is to pass the subjects. They consider often that the demands of their instructors are excessive: continuous evaluation, presentations, problem solving tasks, and so on. On the other hand, the teaching staff must fulfil with the teaching tasks, including a proper assessment of the students' competences. The results of the Teaching Evaluation Survey, where the students assess their instructors, is getting more and more weight in the evaluation of the merits of the teaching staff.
In this paper we analyse, by taking into account the opinions of both students and teachers, the current use of this survey: how they affect both the practice of teaching and the teachers' promotion. Finally, we propose some changes in order to improve its implementation and subsequent use.


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