An intervention to improve social and emotional learning among students at risk of social exclusion




social and emotional learning, social development, emotional development, emotional intelligence, program evaluation, evidence-based practice


Fundación Tomillo


The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of Itinerario+ program, an intervention aimed at improving the different areas of competence of the social and emotional learning model (i.e., self-awareness, social awareness, self-management, relationship skills and responsible decision-making) among students of Basic Vocational Education and Training from disadvantaged contexts. The sample was composed by 140 first year students (70 experimental group y 70 control group) from four different Basic Vocational Education and Training programs taught in five educational centers in the southern district of the city of Madrid (Spain). Social and emotional learning was assessed by the Social and Emotional Learning Scale. After assigning students to either the experimental or control group according to quasi-experimental design with a non-equivalent control group, it was confirmed that both groups were equivalent around the control variables or covariates and Itinerario+ program was implemented. This intervention was integrated with school instruction, so the curriculum was developed in six transversal projects, including other activities (i.e., peer mentoring, individualized tutoring, vocational and professional guidance, internships in a professional environment), which were carried out by a team of previously trained teachers and educators. The results after comparing the experimental and control groups yield statistically significant differences in favor of the experimental group in social and emotional learning. These results confirm the effectiveness of the program to improve the social and emotional learning of students at risk of social exclusion, so it can be stated that Itinerario+ is an example of evidence-based practice.


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