Actions for gender equality in scientific-technical areas in Spanish universities
gender equality, gender stereotypes, gender bias, STEM Education, research training, women scientistsAgencies:
Ayuda 46151 de la Unitat de Formació i Innovació Educativa de la Universitat Jaume I.Abstract
This article analyses the actions carried out in Spanish universities to achieve gender equality in scientific-technical disciplines, where women are still under-represented and there is a low level of gender mainstreaming that can affect research and innovation. In order to diagnose the situation, a survey was carried out aimed at the equality units that form part of the Network of Gender Equality Units for University Excellence (RUIGEU). The survey consisted of thirteen questions relating to: actions to favour the access and permanence of women in the PECS areas (Physics, Engineering, Computer, Science), the recognition of student work carried out with a gender perspective, the valuation of teaching and research with a gender perspective, the visibility and recognition of female researchers and actions for effective equality. This survey was anonymous and was answered by 28 units. From the answers obtained, we can extract a low level of involvement of the universities in promoting equality in this area. Furthermore, the analysis of archetypes shows that only five of the universities that participated in this study are committed to equality in the scientific-technical field and carry out actions to achieve it. These results show, on the one hand, that it is possible to implement actions to promote equality in the scientific and technical field. On the other hand, the collaboration of other institutions (Ministry of Universities, National Agency for the Evaluation of Accreditation (ANECA) and Conference of Rectors of the Spanish University (Crue)) is necessary to promote equality in all universities.
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