Fundamental rights and surrogacy: The legal debate on its regulation returns in the wake of the Supreme Court of Spain’s judgment 277/2022, of March 31st


  • Sara Alemán Merlo Investigadora predoctoral FPI. Departamento de Ciencia Política, Derecho Constitucional y Filosofía del Derecho de la Universidad de Barcelona.



Gestational surrogacy, fundamental rights, human dignity, child’s best interest, public-policy


In the wake of the recent STS (Civil Chamber) no. 277/2022, of 31 March, the discussion about the possibility of regulating surrogacy in our country has re-emerged with force in the public debate. In order to provide a new approach to the legal response which, within the framework established by the Spanish Constitution, should be given to the legal problems involved in this practice, this article attempts to verify the existence and scope of the impact on the rights and interests of those involved in what we could call the «GS triangle» — the clients, the gestational carrier and the minor. In such a way that, after the corresponding balancing exercise, an assessment can be made of the incompatibility of a possible regulation of the growing figure of surrogacy with the Spanish constitutional framework.


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How to Cite

Alemán Merlo, S. (2023). Fundamental rights and surrogacy: The legal debate on its regulation returns in the wake of the Supreme Court of Spain’s judgment 277/2022, of March 31st. Revista de Derecho Político, (116), 225–253.

