Political institutionality in Peru after the failed war Coup d'État against the 1993 Constitution
presidencialism, presidencial vacancy, coup d’etat, constitutionals amendmentsAbstract
Last December 7th, for the first time in Peruvian history, failed a coup d'etat. However, the political opposition does not agree on the presidential succession. They move vandalism and public disorder in the capital produced several victims between citizens and police. Meanwhile, the new president, Dina Boluarte, said in her first speech the willpower to advance presidential and parliament elections. The Congress did not agree on constitutional reform to make it possible.
The presidents of Argentina, Colombia, Mexico, and Venezuela decide not recognition the new president and deplore the detention of former president Pedro Castillo in jail with special conditions like Alberto Fujimori and Alejandro Toledo. Evo Morales from Bolivia pushed to complain against the goverment. López Obrador in México approve an asilum to Castillo's wife and children. Petro in Colombia break relations with Peru.
Besides, the Human Rights International Commission published a polemic inform about the rights and liberties in Peru (April 2023). The paper contains more than one inexactitude about the facts and causes of the political crisis, besides partial arguments using only newspapers, journals, and interviews of the political opposition without contrasting the officialism positions and other media.
Today, President Boluarte lacks approbation. The consequences of failure policies during Castillo's presidency fallouted the economic, security, and rise corruption around public administration unstop. The analists say that she needs to change her Cabinet and Prime Minister in a few weeks in order to get stability y gobernability. The paper wants to make an explanation using the constitutional dispositions and antecedents to argue the legitimacy of the presidential succession and the main reforms to prepare for the next elections in 2026.
Summary: I. La Chronicle of a Coup d'État. II. Constitutional Violations. III.La Rule for Presidential Succession. IV. Reform initiatives. V. The Evolution Towards Neo-Presidentialism. VI. The Constituent Assembly: A Phantom Threat After the Presidential Vacancy. VII. Presidential vacancy is just the beginning.
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