Globalisation and constitutional transfers. Remarks on potential implications on the Chilean constitution-making process


  • Eduardo A. Chia Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main



globalisation; comparative constitutional studies; constitutional transfer; transnationalisation; Chilean constitution-making process


The article suggests a link between constitution-making and capitalist globalisation processes. The nexus would be provided by constitutional transfer as a part of comparative legal studies. Indeed, nowadays they are not only based on the interplay of the national and the inter-national, but also involve the trans national dimension. The essay will attempt to demonstrate the connection by looking at some empirical facets related to the information on foreign constitutions that some transnational consultancies offer to the Chilean constitution-making process. Conclusions show that only certain predominant legal forms are promoted and transferred. This is because they are functional to the unfolding of the global market,


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Author Biography

Eduardo A. Chia , Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main

Abogado. Doctorando en Derecho, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main.


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How to Cite

Chia , E. A. (2022). Globalisation and constitutional transfers. Remarks on potential implications on the Chilean constitution-making process. Revista de Derecho Político, (113), 273–310.

