The constitutional (in)significance of the gender perspective. Reflections on the two decisions of the CEDAW Committee condemning Spain




Equality; gender violence; amparo; gender perspective; mainstreaming; Constitucional court


The two decisions in which the CEDAW Committee has demanded responsibility from the Spanish State, the first in 2014 and the most recent in February 2020, raise several legal issues that affect the effective protection of gender equality. In addition to the absence of a procedure for implementing such decisions, the two cases, related to different manifestations of sexist violence, we face legal challenges such as overcoming the legal concept of gender-based violence or the necessary gender-based training of legal operators. In a singular way, we are challenged about how the Constitutional Court interprets the constitutional signficance of amparo appeals and how this Court has the gender perspective integrated into its role as guarantor of fundamental rights.



1. INTRODUCTION. 2. THE CASE OF ANGELA GONZÁLEZ CARREÑO. 2.1. The facts. 2.2. Gender Stereotypes and Administration of Justice. 2.3. Compliance with the decisions of the CEDAW Committee. 3. THE CASE OF S.F.M. 3.1. The long administrative and judicial journey of S.F.M. 3.2. The decision of the CEDAW Committee. 3.3. Obstetric violence as gender-based violence; 4. CONSTITUTIONAL COURT AND GENDER PERSPECTIVE; 5. GENDER PERSPECTIVE TRAINING OF LEGAL OPERATORS; 6. CONCLUSIONS.


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Author Biography

Octavio Salazar Benítez, Universidad de Córdoba

Catedrático de Derecho Constitucional de la Universidad de Córdoba. Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales. C/Puerta Nueva s/n. 14071 Córdoba (España).


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How to Cite

Salazar Benítez, O. (2021). The constitutional (in)significance of the gender perspective. Reflections on the two decisions of the CEDAW Committee condemning Spain: . Revista de Derecho Político, (111), 77–108.

