The Revista de Derecho Político remains at number 1 in the FECYT Ranking of Legal Science Journals


The indicators examined for the renewal of the Quality Seal were the level of repercussion, impact and visibility, considering the following variables for the time frame of the last 5 years:

1. Citations obtained: Total citations obtained in the databases: WOS, SCOPUS, ESCI and Scielo. Weighting of 60% of the total score.

2. H-Index: Weighting of 10% of the total score. This score is distributed as follows, with each of these indices accounting for a third of this 10%:
a. h-Index WoS
b. h-Index SJR
c. h5-Google S.Metrics Index

3. JCR and SJR quartile: Weighting of 10% of the total score. From the maximum 10 points, the score is obtained according to the quartile in which the journal is placed for each of the databases (see evaluation guide).

4. MIAR Composite Index of Secondary Dissemination (ICDS) in 2021: Weighting of 20% of the total score.

Within each knowledge area, the minimum score threshold above which journals pass the renewal process has been set at 15% of the maximum score obtained by the highest scoring journal in the same knowledge area Legal Sciences.

The Revista de Derecho Político has achieved the maximum score in section 1 (with 379 citations) and in section 2.c), with an h5-Index 13 in Google Scholar Metrics. In these two sections, the Journal has set the reference score for all other journals in the area of Legal Sciences.