Moral Identity Questionnaire (MIQ): Adaptation and Psychometric Properties in Spanish Population
moral identity, moral emotions, scale translation, Spanish versionAbstract
This research aims to develop a Spanish version of the Moral Identity Questionnaire (MIQ) and evaluate its psychometric properties among the Spanish population. Spanish and English speakers developed a Spanish version of the Moral Identity Questionnaire (MIQ) through translation and back-translation. The translated MIQ was administered jointly with the HEXACO and the Dirty Dozen questionnaire to two samples of the general Spanish population [total N = 416 (239 females)]. The validity and reliability of the scale were tested using standard statistical methods. The translated version of the MIQ scale was found to have domain coherence and language clarity. The tested scales have adequate reliability (>.72). Confirmatory factor analysis, invariance analysis and correlations with other measures of morality confirmed the bifactor solution by yielding adequate results. This study presents the first validation of the MIQ questionnaire with the general Spanish population. MIQ instrument was found to have good psychometric properties, resulting in a new moral and social research tool
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