University precarious job with a gender perspective through the PAR. INTERSOC theater as a participatory analysis tool in the classroom


  • Stribor Kuric Kardelis
  • María José Díaz Santiago
  • Pablo López Calle
  • Irene Pastor Bustamante



precarious job, gender, Participatory Action Research, Social Theater, teaching


With this article we intend to link and contextualize methodologically the techniques deployed in recent years in the Aula Laboratorio de Teatro Social de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Laboratory Classroom of Social Theater at the Complutense University of Madrid) and the teaching Project Innovación metodológica del teatro social para el aprendizaje de las ciencias sociales (INSOCTEA) (Methodological innovation of social theater for the learning social sciences), within the framework of Participatory Action Research (Investigaciónacción participativa, IAP) methodologies. The INTERSOC theater, as a participatory sociological tool designed for the learning and empowerment of the university community, arises from the collective choice of the subject of análisis by the students, continues with the collaborative design of the show as a form of self-knowledge and, later, it is spread as a form of claiming and social transformation. Finally, we expose the main results that have been observed by the research team in one of the common intelligence works carried out by the students of the Aula Laboratorio (Laboratory Classroom), from job insecurity and gender as scenic proposal that have been agreed and is recurrent every year as a community, but of collective creation specified in their own experiences as a specific group and that in their final return to the Forum, to the university community shows the collectivization of resistance and empowerment in relation to the situated theme.


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How to Cite

Kuric Kardelis, S., Díaz Santiago, M. J., López Calle, P., & Pastor Bustamante, I. (2020). University precarious job with a gender perspective through the PAR. INTERSOC theater as a participatory analysis tool in the classroom. Tendencias Sociales. Revista de Sociología, (6), 89–110.