Social Work, Sociopraxis and Participatory Methods: Challenges, Opportunities and Transitions from Local to Global


  • Antonio Álvarez-Benavides



social work, assistentialism, protocolization, participatory methods, sociopraxis, social transformation


The history of Social Work in Spain is conditioned by the role of Catholicism in the epistemological and practical conception of social assistance and social work. This history has had several consequences: late institutionalization and professionalization, and difficult incorporation to the universities compared to other social sciences. These processes have caused internal and external results: assistentialism and protocolization. However, a new context in which Social Work has been equated with university studies through the EHEA and social transformations due to the economic crisis invites us to rethink Social Work as a profession and as a science. This text aims to reflect on the potentialities of sociopraxis and participatory methodologies in such reformulation, as the starting points and tools to pose a new relation between social workers and stakeholders. It will also analyze the capacity of social transformation promoted by these epistemologies and methods in the social worker professional, formative, and academic practice in the local and communitarian sphere and the whole society.


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How to Cite

Álvarez-Benavides, A. (2020). Social Work, Sociopraxis and Participatory Methods: Challenges, Opportunities and Transitions from Local to Global. Tendencias Sociales. Revista de Sociología, (6), 64–88.