Comparing Colonial Education Discourses in the French and Portuguese african Empires: an essay on hybridization.


  • Ana Isabel Madeira Instituto de Educação da Universidade de Lisboa Portugal


Mots-clés :

History colonial education, Comparative education, Empires, Discourse analysis, Colonialism, Africa


This essay analyzes Portuguese, French and British educational rhetoric highlighting relations between the colonial administration and the central structures of power, pinpointing ambiguities and ambivalence's which went across the different structures of imperial authority, namely the discourses about the government, the civilization and the education of the colonized. The study proposes to go beyond a “traditional” vision of educational change, i.e. a concept based on the analysis of influences, forces or relations of cause-effect about the political aspect of education. In contrast with the perspectives that consider colonies as homogeneous cultural identities, as extensions of the metropolitan ideas and practises, I tend to emphasize the symbiotic relations that developed between the Empires and the metropolis. This position contradicts a representation of colonialism as a coherent and consistent process and defines the colonial scenario as a context of conflict between colonizer and colonized, in which the ideas and practises about the processes associated to the civilization of Africans are open to negotiation and restructuring of different kind. To address educational change from a comparative perspective also means to analyse how the discourses about colonial education became known and circulated, at the transnational level, and also to understand how these discourses became accepted as a norm and therefore transformed in local strategies and concrete programmes of action. That perspective facilitates the understanding of the discourses about education that crossed the colonial space which produced internal disparities relatively to the processes of school expansion, to the pedagogical models and to curriculum organization, contradicting the concept of educational policy as the local implementation of programmes produced in the European metropolis.


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Biographie de l'auteur-e

Ana Isabel Madeira, Instituto de Educação da Universidade de Lisboa Portugal

Professor in Comparative Education, Institute of Education, University of Lisbon, Portugal. Graduated in Sociology, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal. MSc. Sociology, London School of Economics, University of London, United Kingdom. Worked as Professor at Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, PUC-Rio, Brasil (2009-2011). Member of the Comparative Education Society in Europe, CESE (since 1997) and founding member of the Mediterranean Society of Comparative Education, MESCE (2005). Research interests: History of Colonial Education, Comparative Education, Development Education, International Education; Colonialism and Gender. She has participated in several international projects in the History of Education and Comparative Education field. Some late publications include: Colonial Education and Anti-colonial Intellectual Struggles, The Oxford Handbook of History of Education, John L. Rury & Eileen H. Tamura, Eds., New York: OUP (second author L. Correia; In press); A Construção A Construção do Saber Comparado em Educação: uma análise sócio-histórica. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian / FCT, 2012. Popular Education and Republican Ideals: The Portuguese Lay Missions in Colonial Africa, 1917-1927, Paedagogica Historica, 2011; “Diffusion-reception Networks of pedagogical Knowledge: The Circulation of John Dewey’s educational Discourse in the Luso-Afro-brasilian Space”, in The Global reception of John Dewey’s Thought, Rosa Bruno-Jofré & Juergen Schriewer, New York: Taylor and Francis/Routledge 2011.


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Comment citer

Madeira, A. I. (2018). Comparing Colonial Education Discourses in the French and Portuguese african Empires: an essay on hybridization. Revista Española de Educación Comparada, (31), 130–146.



MONOGRÁFICO: Imperios y educación