Institutionalization of gender equality in Ivoirian public universities


  • Kouassi Amenan Valerie Konin



Ivory Coast, Gender Equality, Institutionalization, Public Universities


Gender equality is an inevitable approach to social, economic, political and cultural development. It invades all areas where men and women exist. One of the most influential areas of social transformation in terms of gender equality is the university. Create, analyze, transmit, and transform knowledge to build new social and cultural paradigms. How do Ivorian universities officially integrate gender equality into their institutions? The purpose of this article is to analyze the process of institutionalization of gender equality in Ivorian public universities. The methodological protocol is integrates documentary research and semi-directive interview as a data collection technique. It turns out that in general, Ivorian public universities are at the beginning of an institutionalization process regarding gender equality since 2023. This formal institutionalization process was promoted by donors and the Ministry of Higher Education. However, the Félix Houphouet-Boigny University and the Nangui Abrogoua University in Abidjan, the country’s capital, are the two advanced in the subject at the level of university policies, structures, training and research and practices.






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Author Biography

Kouassi Amenan Valerie Konin

Doctor. Department of Iberian and Latin American Studies.
Félix Houphouët-Boigny University. Coordinator of the Gender Equality Cell
of the Association of Women Researchers of the Ivory Coast


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How to Cite

Valerie Konin, K. A. . (2024). Institutionalization of gender equality in Ivoirian public universities. Revista Española de Educación Comparada, (45), 64–79.