The Magic of the Pronoun "mine". Considerations about the unsuperable fear starting from the STS 240/2016, de 29 de marzo


  • Jesús Martín Muñoz Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Madrid



Unconquerable fear, ordinary fortitude, self-defence, duress, case-law


In this paper we will reflect on how the defence of «unconquerable fear» (ordinary fortitude), set in Article 20(6) of the Spanish Criminal Code, is treated in literature and case-law with regard to the recent Sentence of the Spanish Supreme Court 240/2016, of March 29th, which applies it partially together with self-defence.


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Revista de Derecho Penal y Criminología. Núm. 7. 2.ª Época: pp. 139-



How to Cite

Martín Muñoz, J. (2020). The Magic of the Pronoun "mine". Considerations about the unsuperable fear starting from the STS 240/2016, de 29 de marzo. Revista de Derecho Penal y Criminología, (20), 451–483.



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