New Issue Available: No. 33 (2021)- Politics, Gender and Religion in Southwestern Europe in the Nineteenth Century 


Espacio, Tiempo y Forma. Serie V. Historia Contemporánea (Space, Time and Form. Serie V. Contemporary History-ETFV) is a peer-reviewed academic journal founded in 1988 and published by the Department of Contemporary History at the School of Geography and History, UNED. It’s devoted to the study of Contemporary History and is addressed to the Spanish and international scholarly community, as well as to professionals in the field of History. The journal welcomes previously unpublished articles, particularly works that provide an innovative approach, contribute to its field of research, and offer a critical analysis. It is published annually.

A few years ago, ETFV. Historia contemporánea embarked on a new phase as an electronic journal. This new format has been integrated into the OJS electronic system with a view to streamlining editorial and scientific management processes within the journal, thereby ensuring compliance with the highest quality standards of journals related to our areas of knowledge and facilitating unrestricted access to all content from the moment of publication in this electronic edition.

Espacio, Tiempo y Forma. Serie V. Historia Contemporánea is published online and is indexed in the databases and directories enumerated above:

REDIB, LATINDEXDICEISOC (CINDOC)RESHIN-RECHDialnete-spacio UNEDCIRC 2.0 (2016)MIAR 2015, ERIH PLUS, CARHUS 2014 (C), Fuente Academica Premier, Periodicals Index Online, Ulrich's, FRANCIS, SUDOC, ZDB, DULCINEA (VERDE), Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), CARHUS Plus+ 2018 e Índice H de las revistas científicas españolas según Google Scholar Metrics.

Current Issue

No. 35 (2023): Repression and Political Persecution of Women in the Spanish Civil War and Post-War Period. New Regional Contributions
Published: 2023-11-14

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