Is collaborative learning inclusive? Case study on its application in a fully online university
distance education, higher education, group learning, online interaction, equal opportunitiesAbstract
Online collaborative learning offers several advantages for the development of learners’ competencies, including cognitive, metacognitive, and affective aspects. However, its implementation in teaching is challenging, especially regarding the participation of learners with disabilities. Professors play a crucial role in promoting the equitable participation of all students. In this investigation, we conducted a case study focused on exploring the perspectives of 12 professors from an online university with experience in supporting learners with disabilities in collaborative activities. We carried out semi-structured interviews, which were analysed using thematic analysis. According to our participants, there are limitations in terms of accessibility, flexibility, and socio-emotional aspects that hinder the full participation of some students in online collaborative learning. The role of professors as mediators, facilitators, guides, and learning managers often empower learners with disabilities to engage in interactive spaces, discussions, and teamwork activities. Collaborative learning requires strengthening the affective skills of all those involved, as well as making collaborative practices more flexible and providing a variety of media to enable everyone to participate. This poses a dilemma for professors, who have to balance the use of accessible and flexible practices with the promotion of emotional connections. Institutional efforts are therefore needed to make online collaborative practices suitable for all, and to provide professors with access to the appropriate knowledge, information, and resources that enable them to adopt an inclusive approach.
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