Virtual Reality for Teaching Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation in the Primary Education Degree. A Comparative Study
training, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, simulation, virtual reality, serious gameAbstract
The importance of the present study comes from the methodological possibilities derived for a complex and fundamental area within health sciences, such as basic life support in general, and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) in particular. The objective of the present study is to analyze the effect of an serious game (SG), through the use of Virtual Reality (VR) goggles, on university students. This is a comparative study with a pre-post evaluation, with students enrolled in the Primary Education Degree, which analyzes the effect of an education game (with VR goggles) on CPR training. Among the results, we highlight that the mean quality of the chest compressions obtained previous results of 30% (SD 28), while the latter result was 47% (SD 27) [differences in means of 17% (95% CI 7-26), p<0.001]. Likewise, the training through VR decreased the performance times of each of the skills evaluated from the chain of survival, except for the start of the chest compressions. In conclusion, we underline that the SG analyzed, through VR goggles, improved the performance of the CPR maneuvers. In addition, the educational use of VR made it possible for university students enrolled in the Primary Education Degree to obtain not only better theoretical-conceptual results, but also allowed them to acquire competencies and skills related to CPR.
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