The Contribution of RIED in 30 years of scientific activity
RIED, trajectory, distance education, digital education.Abstract
Having completed the first 30 years of RIED, Revista Iberoamericana de Educación a Distancia, we analyze the publishing activity of the journal, its contents and trajectory in hindsight following bibliometric and thematic analyses. As a result of the bibliometric analysis we obtain general results on the journal in its 30 years of life: main authors, countries, periods, types of studies carried out and most cited articles. In turn, with the thematic analysis we get to know the main issues tackled throughout the last 20 years. It is also possible to understand the evolution and maturation of the journal as a means of scientific research and educational theories dissemination in the field of distance education (DE). In our different journal articles it can be observed the evolution of theories and experiences in discussions and investigations, and the transition from distance to digital education can be visualized.
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