Rhythm of the verses and rhythm of the proverb in the Libro de buen amor


  • Hugo O. Bizzarri Universidad de Friburgo




Juan Ruiz, Libro de buen amor, proverbs, rhythm, metrics


The Libro de buen amor is one of the works that contains more proverbs of medieval literature. Critics have focused especially on its identifi cation, on the study of its use with sentences and exempla and on its thematic aspects. In the present work we approach another problem by considering sayings as rhythmic forms: their insertion in the copla and the confl ict that the Archpriest must resolve between the rhythm of the copla and the rhythm of the saying in order to integrate them into his verses.


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How to Cite

Bizzarri, H. O. (2021). Rhythm of the verses and rhythm of the proverb in the Libro de buen amor. Rhythmica. Revista Española de Métrica Comparada, (VI), 85–98. https://doi.org/10.5944/rhythmica.32379