La formación continua del profesorado-tutor de educación primaria: su incidencia en la acción tutorial con el alumnado, la familia y el equipo docente

In-service training for primary school teachers: its impact on tutoring with pupils, families and the teaching team


  • David López-Aguilar Universidad de La Laguna. Facultad de Educación. Departamento Didáctica e Investigación Educativa. Tenerife, España
  • Lidia E. Santana-Vega Universidad de La Laguna. Facultad de Educación. Departamento Didáctica e Investigación Educativa. Tenerife, España
  • Elisabeth Osterhues-Pérez-de-la-Blanca Universidad de La Laguna. Facultad de Educación. Departamento Didáctica e Investigación Educativa. Tenerife, España
  • Nicole González-Benítez Universidad de La Laguna. Facultad de Educación. Departamento Didáctica e Investigación Educativa. Tenerife, España



primary education, teaching personnel, further training, guidance, tutoring,


The quality of education is inevitably linked to the preservice and in-service teachers’ training; in the primary school stage, attention to students through tutorial action is an essential requirement for achieving this quality. The purpose of this study was to analyze the incidence that in-service teacher training had on the functions of tutorial action with students, family and the teaching team. In the ex-post-facto quantitative study, 234 teachers from the Primary Education stage participated. Data collection was carried out by means of an ad hoc questionnaire. Data analysis and statistical tests were carried out using R-Studio and Microsoft Excel. The results of the research corroborated the initial hypothesis (H1): teachers with in- service training performed, to a greater extent, the functions of tutorial action with students, family and the teaching team. The paper discusses the need for universities and other institutions to offer specific training modules on the tutorial teachers’ function; this in-service training, in a central topic such as the one we are addressing in this research, is essential to achieve the comprehensive training of students. Likewise, university curricula should be redesigned to include tutoring as a core subject; in this way, we will ensure that university studies are adapted to the tutoring teacher' professional profile.


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How to Cite

López-Aguilar, D. ., Santana-Vega, L. E. ., Osterhues-Pérez-de-la-Blanca, E., & González-Benítez , N. . (2024). La formación continua del profesorado-tutor de educación primaria: su incidencia en la acción tutorial con el alumnado, la familia y el equipo docente: In-service training for primary school teachers: its impact on tutoring with pupils, families and the teaching team. REOP - Revista Española de Orientación y Psicopedagogía, 35(1), 7–26.



Research studies