Guidance processes for social and labour integration of persons with special difficulties to the work market access. A guidance model for the employability


  • Pedro Jurado de los Santos Universidad Autònoma de Barcelona
  • Patricia Olmos Rueda Universidad Autònoma de Barcelona



guidance processes, social and labour integration, competences, limit intelligence, selfperception



In this paper, we are going to talk about some aspects related to the guidance processes for social and labour integration of persons with special difficulties to the work market access, focusing on the collective of persons who have been diagnosed with limit intelligence. We are going to analyze the major challenges that our study collective find to the work market access, the aims of the guidance processes, and the role of competences in this process, especially de rol of employability and adaptability competences. For that, we propose a guidance model for the employability of this collective, which contrasted with the skills required in terms of work contexts, will be enable the analysis and detection of needs that will guide the process of take decisions. The self-perception competences will be a key element in this guidance model if we will obtain an active and responsability involvement and participation of persons with limit intelligence in their process of training and guidance for incorporation into the work market. When our collective are aware of their competences, they will make it possible to self-identify themselves as capable and competent individuals, and instead, they are aware of their needs. It is the starting point of the guidance processes for social and labour integration of persons with special difficulties to the work market access.


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How to Cite

Jurado de los Santos, P., & Olmos Rueda, P. (2014). Guidance processes for social and labour integration of persons with special difficulties to the work market access. A guidance model for the employability. REOP - Revista Española de Orientación y Psicopedagogía, 21(1), 93–108.



Research studies