Research in Humanistic Psychotherapies: Studies, Results and Current Perspectives.




Psychotherapy research, humanistic psychotherapy, humanistic-experiential psychotherapy, psychotherapy research network, transdiagnotic


This article presents a global vision of research in Humanistic Psychotherapies (PH), also called Experiential Humanistic Psychotherapies (PHE). In the first section, different types of studies are presented along with some of their results, showing how they provide empirical support to the consideration of HPs as useful and effective treatments. The second section presents two complementary perspectives: transdiagnostic research and network research on the practice of psychotherapy, including studies carried out within the humanistic model. From here, possibilities and challenges for the development of research in PH are presented.


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How to Cite

Fernández-Puig, V. (2024). Research in Humanistic Psychotherapies: Studies, Results and Current Perspectives. Revista de Psicoterapia, 35(129), 62–71.