Personal Growth in the Wake of Loss through Suicide




suicide, personal growth, suicide bereavement, posttraumatic growth, meaning reconstruction, grief therapy


Although the death of a significant person through suicide commonly leaves survivors struggling with profound, preoccupying and protracted grief and anguish, it also can trigger resilient processes that result in eventual posttraumatic growth.  In this article we summarize research that documents the prospect of positive outcomes even, or especially, following traumatic loss, and argue that the need and ability to reconstruct meaning in the loss and in the life of survivors in its aftermath plays a key role in promoting growth through grief.  We then report our findings of key themes that define such growth in a sample of people bereaved by suicide, focusing on their deepened knowledge of self, life view, and relations with others.  We conclude with the clinical implications of these findings for those of us conducting grief therapy with suicide loss survivors, as we join them in not only mitigating the pain of such loss but also in relearning their sense of self and world in its wake.


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How to Cite

Neimeyer, R., Bottomley, J. S., Bellet, B. W., & Aranguren Rico, P. (2023). Personal Growth in the Wake of Loss through Suicide. Revista de Psicoterapia, 34(124), 137–150.

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