The Dynamic Maturational Model of Attachment Functional Case Formulation and the Role of the Adult Attachment Interview Within It




case formulation, attachment, adult attachment interview, dynamic madurational model of attachment and adaptation


The aim of this article is to introduce readers to the Dynamic Madurational Model of Attachment and Adaptation focusing on the Adult Attachment interview. The Functional Formulation proposed by DMM   helps to understand the symptom`s functionality within the context it appears. In this process of evaluation and hypothesis formulation The Adult Attachment Interview has an important role. This interview   allows the clinician to get a deep understanding of the patient`s attachment history, the dangers he had to go through, the way he refers his own history to himself, unresolved losses or trauma he could have faced, reflective abilities and attachment strategy developed.


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How to Cite

Milozzi, S. (2022). The Dynamic Maturational Model of Attachment Functional Case Formulation and the Role of the Adult Attachment Interview Within It. Revista de Psicoterapia, 33(123), 133–150.