Constructivist Perspective of Depressive Realism: Implications for Cognitive Theory and Therapy


  • David A. H. Haaga Universidad de Pennsylvania
  • Aaroon T. Beck Universidad de Pennsylvania



The cognitive theory of depression, depression, constructivism


The cognitive theory of depression (Ben K. 1967) ‹Shows that the depressed person maintains his negative thinking despite the evidence that contradicts it, because he distorts the feedback he receives from the environment, perceiving it as more negative than it actually is. . The research it receives challenges this hypothesis, suggesting instead that depressives can be realistic if the perception of life circumstances is genuinely negative, while non-depressives are those who maintain unrealistic optimistic thinking. The debate on this theory has been carried out within a realistic meta-theoretical framework in which it conceptualizes objective reality as something external to what it perceives. In this article we will broaden the debate by examining the implications of constructivist theory on the concepts of depressive realism versus depressive distortion or bias. We will finally see the implications of this debate for the cognitive therapy theory of depression.


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How to Cite

Haaga, D. A. H., & Beck, A. T. (1993). Constructivist Perspective of Depressive Realism: Implications for Cognitive Theory and Therapy. Revista de Psicoterapia, 4(13), 29–40.



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