Osgood´s semantic differential as an instrument for therapeutic planning and measurement of change in cognitive-analytic psychotherapy: a case study.


  • María Vicenta Gómez de Ramón Fuster Departamento de Psiquiatría y Psicología Social de la Facultad de Medicina,Universidadde Murcia
  • Carlos Martínez Fernández-Mayoralas Coordinador Unidad de Rehabilitación Mental de Cartagena.




Measure of change, Osgood Semantic Differential, cognitive-analytic Psychotherapy


In this article we present, through a clinical case, the possibilities offered by the Osgood semantic Differential as both a tool to help in planning therapeutic targets in psychotherapy, Cognitive-Analytic our case, as the analysis and measurement ( through tests of statistical significance) of the change process of the psychotherapy. This article follows a line of research of the authors, based on reflections on certain aspects of the PCA model, and its valuation tools. Also, try to deep in the lines suggested by the creator of the PCA, Anthony Ryle, in terms of assessing change and process in integrative psychotherapy.


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How to Cite

Gómez de Ramón Fuster, M. V., & Martínez Fernández-Mayoralas, C. (2009). Osgood´s semantic differential as an instrument for therapeutic planning and measurement of change in cognitive-analytic psychotherapy: a case study. Revista de Psicoterapia, 20(77), 5–29. https://doi.org/10.33898/rdp.v20i77.820



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