Psychotherapy as a reconstruction of the experience. About a grieving process.




Psychotherapy, change process, transcriptions, moral development, mourning, autonomy


The article raises the psychotherapy as a process of reconstruction of the meaning of the experience. A selection of fragments of video recorded and transcribed therapy sessions is used in order to analyze step-by-step oscillations followed by the patient during the two years that lasted the therapeutic course. Written comments refer both to the process followed by the patient and to the procedure and interventions carried out by the therapist. In this way the passage experienced by the patient in his personal crisis is viewed as a transition from different levels of moral regulation to autonomy.


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How to Cite

Villegas Besora, M. (2009). Psychotherapy as a reconstruction of the experience. About a grieving process. Revista de Psicoterapia, 20(77), 41–112.



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