The therapeutic relationship in a systemic perspective. Epistemological considerations on a current debate


  • Luigi Onnis
  • Walther Galluzzo



therapeutic relationship, epistemological considerations, therapeutic


Authors underline that the therapeutic relationship problem in a systems pers¬pective fits in today with the important epistemological renewal which involves the systemic field. After examining the basic aspects of this renewal process, authors particularly dwell on the observer/observed problem in the therapeutic relationship. They criticize the extrem tendencies of some theories (the so called "radical constructivism"), that risk to close observer/therapist in a solipsistic subjectivity, and instead they propose a ''co-constructivistic'' view, that mountains the cognitive and emotio¬nal cooperation between the therapist and the observed system in construing the therapeutic reality, and keeps, in the same time the complexity of the therapeutic relationship.


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How to Cite

Onnis, L. ., & Galluzzo, W. . (2021). The therapeutic relationship in a systemic perspective. Epistemological considerations on a current debate. Revista de Psicoterapia, 2(5), 63–76.



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