The possible change, a clinical case: the man in the boat


  • Maurizio Dodet Associazione di Psicologia Clinica, Roma. Laboratorio di Psicologia Cognitiva POstracionalista, Roma.



self, personal meaning, constructivism, change, organization os emotional domains


The author offers an analysis of a psychotherapeutic work with a patient with panic disorder. Starting from first reformulation on dynamic of desballancing, he shows how to reorganize the development of the narrative identity along all the life span. According to the cognitive- constructivistic approach, every process of changing, as the reorganization of the personal meaning is stressed.


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How to Cite

Dodet, M. (2002). The possible change, a clinical case: the man in the boat. Revista de Psicoterapia, 13(50-51), 91–100.



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